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Rutherford Rede Advisers regularly contribute articles with their
opinions, advice and commentary on current economic events and trends.

Uncertainty Is Underrated

None of us like volatility in the investments we make. Without it though our returns will be lower.
But how to achieve the returns you need to live your best life, while at the same time sleep at night.

Things to avoid; don’t try to predict the unpredictable.

What to do; Accept a range of outcomes in the short term and rely on the long term.

Five decades of experience tells David Booth those that are best at managing risk, also have the best lives.
Read the full text of David’s paper here.

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Where did all the billionaire families go?

There is a saying “From clogs to clogs in three generations” This comes from the idea that the first generation establishes business’s, the second builds it and the third loses it. This plays out when tracking what happened to millionaire families in the United States.

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2023 Market Lessons

Morningstar have looked back at 2023 and find the lessons reinforce established long-term principles. We have summarised their article.

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91 College Hill, Ponsonby
Auckland, 1011, New Zealand

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