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Rutherford Rede Advisers regularly contribute articles with their
opinions, advice and commentary on current economic events and trends.

This is Why You Stay the Course

Last year was one of the worst years ever for financial markets. Call it recency or loss aversion or some other Daniel Kahneman bias but for some reason, our brains are hard-wired to assume big losses will be followed by additional losses (just like we assume big gains will be followed by additional gains)

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Why Bonds Are Doing The Heavy Lifting

2022 was one of the worst years on record for performance in the global bond market. The Barclays U.S Aggregate Bond Index (a broad measure of the U.S. bond market) posted its worst year since records began in 1976, down 13%.

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Rutherford Rede
91 College Hill, Ponsonby
Auckland, 1011, New Zealand

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